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The French novelist Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) once said:

"It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action."

The task of the Institute is to perform basic and application oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting in the field of computer science, intelligent systems, process control, wide area networking and multimedia. Contract-based target research, development, training and expert support for domestic and foreign industrial, governmental and other partners are also important activities of the Institute.

MTA SZTAKI is very active in graduate and postgraduate education, cooperating with most technical universities in Hungary and operating common chairs, post-graduate programs with them. More than 40 members of the Institute's staff conduct regularly lectures on graduate and post-graduate level, and senior researchers hold part-time positions as university professors. 40-50 Ph.D. students and 30-40 graduate students participate in the work of the Institute.


New ideas are many and varied but ideas need to be developed into marketable products.
The biologist and biochemist Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895) said once:

"There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science"

For the introduction of a new product or service two streams of activity are needed - the "technical stream" and the "business stream".

The first requires that well thought out "science be applied" to such steps as proof of concept, development planning, design and development, testing, production planning etc. In these activities, MTA SZTAKI will supplement technical and scientific resources of corporations' and their R&D departments and will work synergistically with members of corporations' "business stream" to maximize the probability of a success launch.


MTA-SZTAKI is an institute of learning, research and development in the fields of computing and automation and in that capacity it helps industry (and society) to solve complex problems. The Hungarian mathematician - the Father of computing - John Louis von Neumann1 once said,

"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is".

In this tradition, MTA-SZTAKI continues to advance computing to come ever closer to the simulation of the complexities of life and through that, help overcome life's challenges. More than 285 scientists and researchers make MTA-SZTAKI the largest multidisciplinary scientific research institute in Hungary.

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Different Strokes for Different Folks.

In all of nature there has been natural selection of traits in a population of individuals, based upon the advantages that a particular trait confers upon an individual within a specific environment. In order for a particular variant of a trait to be selected there has to be a range of variation of that trait within the population. When we observe the behaviors of the human population there is obviously great variation. For example: introvert/extrovert, athletic/non-athletic, passive/aggressive, patient/impatient, bold/shy, to name just a very few.

Does this range of human behaviors have any real advantage or value, in communal terms, either today, or in times past? Yes, behavior is the seed of creativity and at MTA SZTAKI we maximize this by providing an atmosphere that nurtures creativity for both individuals and groups.

It is this creativity that has led to the result that Hungary has the words largest number of Nobel Laureates per capita. The population of Hungary is creative in the field of science, arts, business and sports. Click on list of Nobel Prize winners and other successful Hungarians.

The remark credited to the consummate showman and entrepreneur the late P.T. Barnum,

"It matters not what people say about me, as long as they talk about me"

does not truly apply to an institute of research and learning but we do like it when people talk and write about us.

In this section of our website we publish - unblushingly - all the great things people write about our research success. The achievements of our members and any business successes are all to be found here. In this section you will also find the recent events that are important to MTA SZTAKI whether these are visits of important people commercial successes, sporting achievements or academic awards. Positions with the different divisions of the Institute are also advertised here - the Institute is always looking for new talent and creative members.

It is said that if one has no past one should invent it. We don't have to invent anything - we have a imposing past and that past is archived here.


Only if you join us, will you get the Inside Story.


Welcome to the land of extra-terrestrial beings! There are many adages about Hungary and Hungarians - that we are from outer space is just one; another is that we can go into a revolving door second and come out first.

"Nomen est omen"

Enter this site (the revolving door) to find out more about the mysteries of our website, about the land of our forefathers - the hoards that came from the east to conquer, about Magyar - the language which few speak and hardly anyone understands and about the valley where we decided to settle to grow wines, play beautiful music and do a lot of thinking...

Better still visit us and soon - its an experience you will never forget!

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