MTA SZTAKI (C) 2024.06.02.

eLearning Department

The Department concentrates on multimedia in the areas of E-Learning training materials, digital signature and fingerprint based identification. The Department also develop software products to help produce effective, universal training materials.




Ongoing projects

Past projects


The mission of the Division is to monitor the internationally competitive database management technologies and apply them in Hungarian projects. In this respect one of the key areas is multimedia, with special regard to the development of multimedia eLearning training materials. Another strategic area is the integrated application of digital signature and fingerprint based person identification technologies. In addition to research and development for years we have been implementing two service kinds of activities with success: namely the organization of ECDL and Linux training courses, and supporting of the development of an international market research system (GMI).

Simultaneously with the projects we started to develop two products. These products are part of the tasks of our projects; however, we hope they will have a longer, independent life span than the projects themselves. One of these products is a web based database platform called eDBMS, which serves the group work development of such eLearning training materials that are portable between training framework systems. The other product called FlexID is a development environment, which supports the joint utilisation of biometric and digital signature based person identification products made by different manufacturers, offerring a standard API interface for their application integration.

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